Holiness is an important topic for Christians. This is a long blog because I have included all the scriptures I have noted on this topic, but take the time to look through it. I’ve gathered verses on holy, holiness, righteous, righteousness, godly, and godliness. I’ve also referenced unholy, unrighteous, ungodly, wicked, and wickedness. Studying the latter provides a clearer picture of the actions/behaviors we are to steer clear from. These things are summarized in the sections below the scriptures. This is copied from the book, The Subject of Salvation. All scripture is taken from the American Standard Version (public domain). Without holiness/sanctification no one will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). How we live matters. Striving to live righteously is part of being Christian. Let’s take a look at biblical holiness. We are sinners in need of grace. We are broken and imperfect people of a perfect God. We are followers of Jesus in need of the way, guidance, direction, a compass, a path to follow, how to walk, a way to live. Guide us. Grow us. Teach us what’s best. We are striving to be like Christ as we journey in our faith. We are a light to the world as we represent Jesus and Christianity. We need protective guardrails for ourselves as we are prone to wander. Make straight our paths, Lord. Direct our steps. Help us walk in your ways, Jesus. Holiness That word has become rarely spoken in some circles and outright criticized in others. For some, it conjures up ideas of legalism and, perhaps, feelings of imperfection. It often has a negative connotation to it in our modern Christian culture. Modern day mainstream Christianity has left this topic behind. In other groups, it is a focal point of the faith-based lifestyle. What does it mean to you? What have you been taught about holiness and righteousness? What does it mean in the bible? We know God is holy and righteous. He is the Holy One. The bible also says that we are to be holy, called to be separate and set apart as God’s holy people. What does that mean specifically? How are we supposed to be living? Or what are we supposed to be not doing? We are called to be set apart. We are called to live righteously. We are instructed to be holy. |
Apostolic Pentecostal Christian
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